2022 Presbyterian Women Officers:
Betsey Young, Moderator
Jenny Waldkirch, Vice Moderator
Lisa Murray, Secretary
Kitty Smith, Treasurer
Circle One, Service
Moderator: Mary Heintz
Meets: Second Monday, 6:30 p.m. at the home of members or restaurants
Format: Fellowship hour, dinner, devotion and business
Average Attendance: 20
Focus: Providing assistance, time, materials, funding to projects throughout the year as they present themselves.
Examples: Hospitality House, Hospice Meals of Love, Pastor’s Fund Christmas Auction, exam kits for college students, Good Shepherd, Angel Tree
Other interests: Providing friendship, nurture, care and sisterhood to each other, and to members of the community.
Circle Two, Bible Study
Moderator: Dayna Pray
Bible Moderator: Members take turns
Meets: Second Monday, 11:00 am at the church; May meeting is traditionally a picnic at the beach
Format: Fellowship, business, Bible Study / discussion
Average Attendance: 12
Focus: Bible study, Salvation Army stockings, Grandparent Support Network, Migrant Worker Kits, donations to Good Shepherd as needed, and other.
Circle Three, Bible Study
Moderator: Bonnie Eksten
Bible Moderator: Members take turns
Meets: Second Monday, 10:30 a.m. at the church
Format: Fellowship, Bible Study, business
Average Attendance: 18
Focus: Bible Study, Fellowship, Service
Circle Four, Bible Study
Co-Moderators: Macie Latham and Mary Triplett
Bible Moderator: Sandy Codington
Meets: Second Tuesday, 10:00 a.m. at the church
Format: Fellowship, Business, Bible Study
Average Attendance: 12
Focus: To provide a caring community of women that gives each woman opportunities for Bible study, spiritual growth, prayer, friendship, and service.
Circle Five, Book Circle
Moderator: Sandy Crumrine
Book Moderator: Various members
Meets: Second Monday, 10:00 a.m. in member homes
Format: Very light refreshments, fellowship, devotional, joys and concerns, prayer, and business. A volunteer then presents some information about the author of the book, and leads the discussion.
Average Attendance: 12
Focus: To identify and select important books by talented authors, and to share thoughts and opinions about them, especially from the perspective of Christian women.
Other interests: Circle members enthusiastically participate in the full life of PW by supporting all opportunities for service, study, and fellowship.
Other information to share: Members of Circle Five are women who enjoy serious reading and who love the opportunity to delve into the issues presented in the books. No special qualifications are needed — just a love of books and open discussion. Varying viewpoints are encouraged, and this makes the gathering really interesting! Usually, the members are trying to discover the appropriate Christian response to the issues in the literature. Members develop the reading list and sign up for responsibilities like hosting and leading the book discussion, so no one takes a job she does not want. Participation in this group is stimulating and truly enjoyable.
Circle Six, Fellowship / Service
Moderator: Nicole Jeffreys
Meets: Third Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. in various restaurants
Format: Fellowship, discussion, devotion, service
Average Attendance: 10 – 15
Focus: We are a social / fellowship circle with light devotions. We gather to talk about current things going on in our lives, have a short devotion, and provide items for service projects. Circle Six members are generally active in church activities focused on children: Advent Festival, Easter Egg Hunt, Vacation Bible School, etc.