Better Together: Fall 2024!
Fall 2024 Frequently Asked Questions
What exactly are the changes to the Sunday worship schedule this fall?
We’re changing from a three service schedule (8:45am, 9am, 11am) in three different locations (Kenan Chapel, Gilmour Hall, and the Sanctuary) to a two service schedule (10am, 10:10am) in two locations (the Sanctuary and Gilmour Hall). These two services will run concurrently through the 10am hour, with the Blended service in Gilmour Hall and the Traditional service in the Sanctuary.
What are the reasons behind the change?
The Session has prayerfully studied our Sunday schedule and feels the church being called to a closer sense of community and more personal connections. The vibrant feel of fuller worship spaces, as well as increased opportunities to have the whole church together for programs before and after the 10am hour, were big factors.
Is this every Sunday, or are there times when we will have just one service in one place?
For now, we plan to continue with this schedule for the entire program year (September through May) and to return to one service in the summer, as in recent years. Additionally, there will be times throughout the program year when it is best to combine the two services into one – for example, our annual Averette lecture. In these cases, worship will typically be in the sanctuary.
Who will lead each service?
All three pastors will rotate through the two services throughout the program year, with the preacher giving the sermon in both (first in the Traditional and then in the Blended). John Tabler, Benji Horrell, and the choir will provide music leadership in the Traditional service, while Doug Leess and the band will provide music leadership in the Blended service. Music Assistant Kira Garvie will lead Children’s Choir and assist in both services.
Will everyone hear the same sermon?
Yes. In much the same way as our two earlier services have worked for several years, the preacher will give the sermon in the Traditional service and then leave the Sanctuary during the hymn that follows the sermon. The preacher will then walk up to Gilmour Hall to give the sermon in the Blended service.
What about Worship and Wonder (i.e. “Children’s Church”)?
This is largely unchanged. In each service, the children will join the pastor up front for Time With the Young Church, before following their leaders out to continue their worship with Worship and Wonder. After worship, parents can pick up their children in the usual spot: the Worship and Wonder room.
How does this affect Sunday School?
Most of our Sunday School classes will be meeting during the 9am hour before worship. Watch class emails and E-news for locations and specific times.
What about parking?
While we are fortunate to have more parking space than any of our neighbor churches, we do expect our lots to be a bit more crowded this fall. We ask that younger and more mobile members take the far-off spots first and leave the closer spots for our older and less mobile members. Staff and leadership will monitor the parking situation as the fall continues.
How will this affect baptisms and the celebration of the Lord’s Supper?
When we celebrate the sacraments, adjustments will be made to each worship service so that we remain on schedule as much as possible. For baptisms, the opening parts of the liturgy will be abbreviated, while for the Lord’s Supper, adjustments will be made to the latter parts of the liturgy (including shorter sermons!).
What about worship in Kenan Chapel?
We will continue to utilize our beautiful chapel for a variety of seasonal worship services, as well as weddings, funerals, and other special events.
Where will receptions and other after-worship fellowship events take place?
We have a number of options for these events, including the Gathering Place, the Orange Street Courtyard, the Cameron Center’s Boney Hall, and of course Gilmour Hall (on combined service days).