Open Arms- LGBT+


Open Arms is an active ministry of First Presbyterian Church devoted to sharing the warm embrace of God’s grace and love through an intentional ministry of welcome and hospitality. Our mission is to affirm, support, inspire and encourage LGBT+ individuals, their families and friends, both members and non-members alike.

Open Arms is open to all. For further information about what’s up, when and where, email us!

We gather to celebrate and enjoy one another’s company at church and in homes…
• to build relationships
• to bear and share blessings and burdens
• to glorify God and to build up the body of Christ
• to further our hopes and dreams of inclusivity

Community Resources:

Resources at UNCW

LGBTQ Youth Resources

PFLAG Chapter of Wilmington- Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays

LGBTQ Center of the Cape Fear Coast

Wilmington Transgender Community Resources

2023 Calendar Events (more to be added soon!) : Theme for the year is- Love One Another

January 8th- Winter Rally! After our combined worship service at 11am, there will be a catered meal provided by Open Arms ministry. All are welcome as we come together to celebrate our incoming officers, enjoy fellowship, and reconnect with one another after what is always a busy season.

February 19th- “Love is Love” Potluck Social! Bring the food you love- Bring a friend you love. Please join us for an evening of Fellowship, Food, and Love as we gather to celebrate this year’s theme. We encourage you to invite a friend! We will have a short program to reflect on what love means to Open Arms Ministry, including a devotional to Love One Another; We will also have a recap of our Averette Lecture with Scott Black Johnston about his book Elusive Grace that discusses how we can show love to everyone, our neighbor and our enemy.

December 1st- Christmas Party at Inland Greens! December 1st is World AIDS Day and we will be incorporating a service aspect to the party this year to help support a mission within the community. More details to come!